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Original article:

Journal of Naval Science and Engineering, 2010, Vol. 6 , No.2, pp. 89-99, NURTURING THE LEADER: TALENT MANAGEMENT IN ORGANIZATIONS, A.Zeynep DÜREN

Plagiarism: The International Jorunal's Research Journal of Social Science & Management  Vol 3, No 5 (2013) A STUDY OF STRATEGIC TALENT MANAGEMENT, Manju Narwal

abstracts identical: 

Globalization forces organizations to face new adaptive challenges. That is the main driving force behind the witnessed restructuring and reengineering efforts by organizations. To achieve the change and adaptation forced by the new global setting, organizations need managers who also have the ability to lead and transform the organization.

Managers who also have leading skills are very rare but the experience has amply demonstrated that most leading skills can be developed. Organizations started to employ “talent management” as a tool to nurture the leaders vital for their survival in the global make up. The study underlines the increasing need for leadership in contemporary organizations and argues how talent management can help to develop this vital resource called leadership.

Globalization forces organizations to face new adaptive challenges. That is the main driving force behind the witnessed restructuring and re-engineering efforts by organizations. To achieve the change and adaptation forced by the new global setting, organizations need managers who also have the ability to lead and transform the organization. Managers who also have leading skills are very rare but the experience has amply demonstrated that most leading skills can be developed. Organizations started to employ “talent management” as a tool to nurture the leaders vital for their survival in the global make up. The study underlines the increasing need for leadership in contemporary organizations and argues how talent management can help to develop this vital resource called leadership.

In fact the whole paper is identical except for some spelling differences.
